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- Q. Zhang, A. Cherkasov, C. Xie, N. Arora, and S. Rudykh, Nonlinear elastic vector solitons in hard-magnetic soft mechanical metamaterials. International Journal of Solids and Structures XX, 112396 (2023) [PDF]
- Q. Zhang, A. Cherkasov, N. Arora, G. Hu, and S. Rudykh, Magnetic field-induced asymmetric mechanical metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters 59, 101957 (2023) [PDF]
- V. Chen, N. Arora, A. Goshkoderia, C. Willey, Z. Turgut, P. Buskohl, S. Rudykh, A. Juhl, Mechanical instability tuning of a magnetorheological elastomer composite laminate. Composites Part B 251, 110472 (2023) [PDF]
- Q. Zhang and S. Rudykh, Magneto-deformation and transverse elastic waves in hard-magnetic soft laminates. Mechanics of Materials 169, 104325 (2022) [PDF]
- P. Pathak, N. Arora, and S. Rudykh, Magnetoelastic instabilities in soft laminates with ferromagnetic hyperelastic phases. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 213, 106862 (2022) [PDF]
- A. Goshkoderia, V. Chen, J. Li, A. Juhl, P. Buskohl, and S. Rudykh, Instability-induced pattern formations in soft magnetoactive composites. Physical Review Letters 124, 158002 (2020) [PDF]
- N. Karami Mohammadi, P. I. Galich, A. O. Krushynska, S. Rudykh, Soft magnetoactive laminates: large deformations, transverse elastic waves and band gaps tunability by a magnetic field. Journal of Applied Mechanics 86, 111001 (2019) [PDF]
- A. Goshkoderia and S. Rudykh, Stability of magnetoactive composites with periodic microstructures undergoing finite strains in the presence of a magnetic field. Composites Part B, 128, 19 – 29 (2017) [PDF]
- E. Galipaeu, S. Rudykh, G. deBotton and P. Ponte-Castaneda, Magnetoactive elastomers with periodic and random microstructures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51, 3012–3024 (2014) [PDF]
- S. Rudykh and K. Bertoldi, Stability of Anisotropic Magnetorheological Elastomers in Finite Deformations: A Micromechanical Approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 61, 949–967 (2013) [PDF]