
Journal Publications:

J70.  Q. Zhang, A. Cherkasov, C. Xie, N. Arora, and S. Rudykh, Nonlinear elastic vector solitons in hard-magnetic soft mechanical metamaterials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 280, 112396 (2023) [PDF]

J69.  H. Dou, W. Ye, D. Zhang, Y. Cheng, F. Yang, S. Rudykh, Compressive performance of 3D printed fault-tolerant polymer lattice structures. Polymer Engineering and Science XX,  XXXXX (2023) [PDF]

J68. Y. Xiang, D. Chen, N. Arora, Q. Yao, and S. Rudykh, Towards understanding the role of viscoelasticity in microstructural buckling in soft particulate composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 263, 110850 (2023) [PDF]

J67. A. O. Krushynska, D. Torrent, A. M. Aragón, R. Ardito, O. R. Bilal, B. Bonello, F. Bosia, Y. Chen, J. Christensen, A. Colombi, S. A. Cummer, B. Djafari-Rouhani, F. Fraternali, P. I. Galich, P. D. Garcia, JP Groby, S. Guenneau, M. R. Haberman, M. I. Hussein, S. Janbaz, N. Jiménez, A. Khelif, V. Laude, M. J. Mirzaali, P. Packo, A. Palermo, Y. Pennec, R. Picó, M. R. López, S. Rudykh, M. Serra-Garcia, C. M. Sotomayor Torres, T. A. Starkey, V. Tournat and O. B. Wright, Emerging topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials: an overview. Nanophotonics 12, 659–686 (2023) [PDF]

J66.  Q. Zhang, A. Cherkasov, N. Arora, G. Hu, and S. Rudykh, Magnetic field-induced asymmetric mechanical metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters 59, 101957 (2023) [PDF]

J65.  V. Chen, N. Arora, A. Goshkoderia,  C. Willey, Z. Turgut, P. Buskohl, S. Rudykh, A. Juhl, Mechanical instability tuning of a magnetorheological elastomer composite laminate. Composites Part B 251, 110472 (2023) [PDF]

J64. J. Li, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, Emergence of instability-driven domains in soft stratified materials. npj Computational Materials 8, 100 (2022) [PDF]

J63. D. Chen, N. Arora, Y. Xiang, J. Li, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, Instability-induced patterns and their post-buckling development in soft particulate composites. Mechanics of Materials 175, 104482 (2022) [PDF]

J62.  M. O’Neill, D. Sessions, N. Arora, V. Chen, A. Juhl, G. Huff, S. Rudykh, R. Shepherd, and P. Buskohl, Dielectric Elastomer Architectures with Strain-Tunable Permittivity. Advanced Materials Technologies 2200296 (2022) [PDF]

J61. N. Arora, J. Li, and S. Rudykh, Tunable buckling configurations via in-plane periodicity in soft 3D-fiber composites: Simulations and experiments. International Journal of Solids and Structures 250, 111711 (2022) [PDF]

J60. Q. Zhang and S. Rudykh, Magneto-deformation and transverse elastic waves in hard-magnetic soft laminates. Mechanics of Materials 169, 104325 (2022) [PDF]

J59. M. Bahreman, N. Arora, H. Darijani, and S. Rudykh, Structural and material electro-mechanical instabilities in microstructured dielectric elastomer plates. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 94, 104534 (2022) [PDF]

J58. N. Arora, Q. Yao, and S. Rudykh, Deformation activated negative group velocity state in soft laminates. Extreme Mechanics Letters 51, 101592 (2022) [PDF]

J57. P. Pathak, N. Arora, and S. Rudykh, Magnetoelastic instabilities in soft laminates with ferromagnetic hyperelastic phases. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 213, 106862 (2022) [PDF]

J56. N. Arora, Y. Xiang, and S. Rudykh, Multiscale analysis of elastic waves in soft materials: From molecular chain networks to fiber composites. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 200, 106433 (2021) [PDF]

J55.  Y. Cheng, J. Li, X. Qian, S. Rudykh, 3D printed recoverable honeycomb composites reinforced by continuous carbon fibers. Composite Structures 268, 113974 (2021) [PDF]

J54. J. Li, N. Arora, S. Rudykh, Elastic instabilities, microstructure transformations, and pattern formations in soft materials. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 25, 100898 (2021) [PDF]

J53.  H. Dou, W. Ye, D. Zhang, Y. Cheng, K. Huang, F. Yang, S. Rudykh, Research on drop-weight impact of continuous carbon fiber reinforced 3D printed honeycomb structure. Materials Today Communications 29,  102869 (2021) [PDF]

J52. F. Greco, L. Leonetti, U. De Maio,  S. Rudykh, and A. Pranno, Macro- and micro-instabilities in incompressible bioinspired composite materials with nacre-like microstructure. Composite Structures 269, 114004 (2021) [PDF]

J51. Y. Chen, B. Wu, J. Li, S. Rudykh, and W. Chen, Low-frequency tunable topological interface states in soft phononic crystal cylinders. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 191, 106098 (2021) [PDF]

J50.  A. Goshkoderia, V. Chen, J. Li, A. Juhl, P. Buskohl, and S. Rudykh, Instability-induced pattern formations in soft magnetoactive composites. Physical Review Letters 124, 158002 (2020) [PDF]

J49. N. Arora, J. Li, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, Microscopic and long-wave instabilities in 3D fiber composites with non-Gaussian hyperelastic phases. International Journal of Engineering Science 157, 103408 (2020) [PDF]

J48.  Y. Xiang, C. Schilling, N. Arora, AJ Boydston, S. Rudykh, Mechanical characterization and constitutive modeling of visco-hyperelasticity of photocured polymers. Additive Manufacturing 36, 101511 (2020) [PDF]

J47. J. Russ, V. Slesarenko, S. Rudykh, and H. Waisman, Rupture of 3D-printed hyperelastic composites: experiments and phase field fracture modeling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 140, 103941 (2020) [PDF]

J46. F. Greco, L. Leonetti, A. Pranno, and S. Rudykh, Mechanical behavior of bio-inspired nacre-like composites: A hybrid multiscale modeling approach. Composite Structures 233, 111625 (2020) [PDF]

J45.  A. Goshkoderia, N. Arora, V. Slesarenko, J. Li, V. Chen, A. Juhl, P. Buskohl, and S. Rudykh, Tunable permittivity in dielectric elastomer composites under finite strains: Periodicity, randomness, and instabilities. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 105, 105880 (2020) [PDF]

J44.  Y. Xiang, D. Zhong, S. Rudykh, H. Zhou, S. Qu, and W. Yang, A Review of Physically-Based and Thermodynamically-Based Constitutive Models for Soft Materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics 87(11): 110801 (2020) [PDF]

J43.  H. Dou, Y. Cheng, W. Ye, D. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Miao, S. Rudykh, Effect of Process Parameters on Tensile Mechanical Properties of 3D Printing Continuous Carbon Fiber-Reinforced PLA Composites. Materials 13 (17), 3850 (2020) [PDF]

J42. J. Li, T. Dora, A. Goshkoderia, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, Domain formations and pattern transitions via instabilities in soft heterogeneous materials. Advanced Materials 31, 1807309 (2019) [PDF]

J41.  N. Karami Mohammadi, P. I. Galich, A. O. Krushynska, S. Rudykh,  Soft magnetoactive laminates: large deformations, transverse elastic waves and band gaps tunability by a magnetic fieldJournal of Applied Mechanics 86, 111001 (2019) [PDF]

J40. J. Li and S. Rudykh, Tunable microstructure transformations and auxetic behavior in 3D-printed multiphase composites: the role of inclusion distribution. Composites Part B: Engineering 172, 352–362 (2019) [PDF]

J39. M. Hesami, A. Gueddida , N. Gomopoulos, H. Sharifi, K. Asadi, S. Rudykh, H-J. Butt, B. Djafari-Rouhani, G. Fytas, Elastic wave propagation in smooth and wrinkled stratified polymer films. Nanotechnology 30, 045709 (2019) [PDF]

J38. N. Arora, A. Batan, J. Li, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, On the influence of inhomogeneous interfacial layers on instabilities in hyperelastic composites. Materials 12, 763 (2019) [PDF]

J37.  J. Li, V. Slesarenko, and S. Rudykh, Microscopic instabilities and elastic wave propagation in finitely deformed laminates with compressible hyperelastic phases. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 73, 126-136 (2019) [PDF]

J36. M. Ryvkin, V. Slesarenko, A. Cherkaev, and S. Rudykh, Fault-tolerant elastic–plastic lattice material. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378: 20190107 (2019) [PDF]

J35. A.O. Krushynska, P. Galich, F. Bosia, N.M. Pugno and S. Rudykh, Hybrid metamaterials combining pentamode lattices and phononic platesApplied Physics Letters 113, 201901 (2018) [PDF]

J34. C. Gao, V. Slesarenko, M.C. Boyce, S. Rudykh and Y. Li, Instability-Induced Pattern Transformation in Soft Metamaterial with Hexagonal Networks for Tunable Wave PropagationScientific Reports 8, 11834 (2018) [PDF]

J33. V. Slesarenko, P. Galich, J. Li, N.X. Fang and S. Rudykh, Foreshadowing elastic instabilities by negative group velocity in soft compositesApplied Physics Letters 113, 031901 (2018) [PDF]

J32. V. Slesarenko, S. Engelkemier, P. Galich, D. Vladimirsky, G. Klein and S. Rudykh, Strategies to Control Performance of 3D-Printed, Cable-Driven Soft Polymer Actuators: From Simple Architectures to Gripper PrototypePolymers 10, 846 (2018) [PDF]

J31. J. Li, V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Auxetic multiphase soft composite material design through instabilities with application for acoustic metamaterialsSoft Matter 14, 6171 – 6180 (2018) [PDF]

J30. V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Towards mechanical characterization of soft digital materials for multimaterial 3D-printingInternational Journal of Engineering Science 123, 62 – 72 (2018)  [PDF]

J29. J. Li, V. Slesarenko, P.I. Galich  and S. Rudykh, Instabilities and pattern formations in 3D-printed deformable fiber compositesComposites Part B 148, 114 – 122 (2018)  [PDF]

J28. P.I. Galich, V. Slesarenko, J. Li and S. Rudykh, Elastic instabilities and shear waves in hyperelastic composites with various periodic fiber arrangementsInternational Journal of Engineering Science 130, 51 – 61 (2018)  [PDF]

J27. J. Li, V. Slesarenko, P. I. Galich, and S. Rudykh, Oblique shear wave propagation in finitely deformed layered composites. Mechanics Research Communications 87, 21 – 28 (2018) [PDF]

J26. V. Slesarenko, K. Y. Volokh, J. Aboudi and S. Rudykh, Understanding the strength of bioinspired soft compositesInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131 – 132, 171 – 178 (2017)  [PDF]

J25. P. I. Galich and S. Rudykh, Shear wave propagation and band gaps in finitely deformed dielectric elastomer laminates: long wave estimates and exact solution Journal of Applied Mechanics 84, 091002 (2017) [PDF]

J24. A. Goshkoderia and S. Rudykh, Stability of magnetoactive composites with periodic microstructures undergoing finite strains in the presence of a magnetic field Composites Part B, 128, 19 – 29  (2017) [PDF]

J23. P. I. Galich, N. X. Fang, M. C. Boyce and S. Rudykh, Elastic wave propagation in finitely deformed layered materials Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 98, 390 – 410  (2017) [PDF]

J22. V. Slesarenko, N. Kazarinov and S. Rudykh, Distinct failure modes in bio-inspired 3D-printed staggered composites under non-aligned loadingSmart Materials and Structures, 26, 035053 (2017)  [PDF]

J21. V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Microscopic and macroscopic instabilities in hyperelastic fiber composites Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids99, 471 – 482 (2017)  [PDF]

J20. P. I. Galich, V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Shear wave propagation in finitely deformed 3D fiber-reinforced compositesInternational Journal of Solids and Structures110 – 111, 294 – 304 (2017) [PDF]

J19. A. Goshkoderia and S. Rudykh, Electromechanical macroscopic instabilities in soft dielectric elastomer composites with periodic microstructuresEuropean Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids65, 243 –256 (2017) [PDF]

J18. V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Harnessing viscoelasticity and instabilities for tuning wavy patterns in soft layered compositesSoft Matter, 12, 3677 – 3682 (2016)  [PDF]

J17. P. I. Galich and S. Rudykh, Manipulating pressure and shear waves in dielectric elastomers via external electric stimuli. International Journal of Solids and Structures91, 18 – 25 (2016) [PDF]

J16. P. I. Galich, V. Slesarenko and S. Rudykh, Elastic Wave Propagation in Soft Microstructured Composites Undergoing Finite Deformations  Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)16, 627 – 628 (2016) [PDF]

J15. S. Rudykh, Micromechanics of Electro- and Magneto-active Soft Composites  Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)16, 473 – 474 (2016) [PDF]

J14. S. Rudykh, C. Ortiz and M.C. Boyce, Flexibility and Protection by Design: Imbricated Hybrid Microstructures of Bio-inspired ArmorSoft Matter11, 2547– 2554 (2015)  [PDF]

J13. P. I. Galich and S. Rudykh, Comment on “Disentangling longitudinal and shear elastic waves by neo-Hookean soft devices” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 161903 (2015)]Applied Physics Letters 107, 056101 (2015) [PDF]

J12. P. I. Galich and S. Rudykh, Influence of stiffening on elastic wave propagation in extremely deformed soft matter: from nearly incompressible to auxetic materialsExtreme Mechanics Letters 4, 156 – 161 (2015)  [PDF]

J11. S. Rudykh and M.C. Boyce, Transforming Wave Propagation in Layered Media via instability-induced Wrinkling Interfacial LayerPhysical Review Letters 112, 034301 (2014) [PDF]

J10. S. Rudykh, K. Bhattacharya and G. deBotton, Multiscale Instabilities in Soft Heterogeneous Dielectric ElastomersProceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20130618 (2014) [PDF]

J9. E. Galipaeu, S. Rudykh, G. deBotton and P. Ponte-Castaneda, Magnetoactive elastomers with periodic and random microstructuresInternational Journal of Solids and Structures51, 3012–3024 (2014) [PDF]

J8. S. Rudykh and M.C. Boyce, Transforming Small Localized Loading into Large Rotational Motion in Soft Anisotropically-Structured MaterialsAdvanced Engineering Materials16(11), 1311–1317 (2014)  [PDF]

J7. S. Rudykh and M.C. Boyce, Analysis of elasmoid fish imbricated layered scale-tissue systems and their bio-inspired analogues at finite strains and bendingIMA Journal of Applied Mathematics79, 830–847 (2014) [PDF]

J6. S. Rudykh, A. Lewinstein, G. Uner and G. deBotton, Analysis of Microstructural Induced Enhancement of Electromechanical Coupling in Soft Dielectrics.  Applied Physics Letters 102, 151905 (2013) [PDF]

J5. Y. Li, N. Kaynia, S. Rudykh and M. C. Boyce, Wrinkling of Interfacial Layers in Stratified CompositesAdvanced Engineering Materials15 (10), 921–926 (2013) [PDF]

J4. S. Rudykh and K. Bertoldi, Stability of Anisotropic Magnetorheological Elastomers in Finite Deformations: A Micromechanical ApproachJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids61, 949–967 (2013) [PDF]

J3. S. Rudykh, K. Bhattacharya and G. deBotton, Snap-through Actuation of Thick-wall Electroactive Balloons.  International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics47, 206–209 (2012) [PDF]

J2. S. Rudykh and G. deBotton, Instabilities of Hyperelastic Fiber Composites: Micromechanical Versus Numerical Analyses. Journal of Elasticity, 106, 123–147 (2012) [PDF]

J1. S. Rudykh and G. deBotton, Stability of Anisotropic Electroactive Polymers with Application to Layered MediaZ. Angew. Math. Phys.(ZAMP), 62, 1131–1142 (2011) [PDF]


  • N. Karami-Mohammadi, Elastic Wave Propagation in Soft Periodic Magnetoactive Composites. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin – Madison (2021)
  • A. Goshkoderia, Instabilities in soft active composites. Ph.D. thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2020)
  • J. Li, Instabilities and elastic waves in microstructured soft composites. Ph.D. thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2019) [PDF]
  • P. Galich, Manipulating elastic wave propagation in non-linear flexible materials via external stimuli. Ph.D. thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2018) [PDF]
  • S. Rudykh, Electroactive Polymer Composites: Microscopic and Macroscopic StabilityPh.D. thesis, Ben-Gurion University (2012) [PDF]